Copyright 2006 Ratlion
The Cookie Song
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me.
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me.
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me.
Oh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C!
- 'C is for cookie' sung by the Cookie Monster (Sesame street)
I've been learning a lot about the technical aspects of drawing lately - especially proportions and perspective drawing. This sketch was done in class one day as a rough doodle. I really liked something about it, so I decided to challenge myself and execute it in a more technically accurate manner. It took me about the whole of yesterday and today morning to complete (I can't believe I had the patience to do all those perspective projection drawings! But I'm glad I did!) , as a result of which I was in no mood to embark on an illustration for illo fri's 'Song' anytime soon. But at the same time, as I posted last week's entry at the nth hour, I wanted to be punctual with this week's entry. So I began to wonder if I could use this 'Cookie' sketch in any way for 'Song'...and lo and behold!...I present to you the 'Cookie song', sung by none other than the Cookie monster from Sesame street!
Don't you just love the internet? :D
Here's a glimpse of the rough sketch and the perspective drawing/projections. I was not looking forward to the technical drawings but I have to say I have more respect for the need for them now...boy, do they help!

*Wanders away singing 'C is for cookie...' tunelessly*